Sunday, 27 May 2012

Something is coming

Brethren, there is something coming. As the world turns, more and more Christians are being killed and persecuted on a daily basis by not only the world in general, but also Muslims. I have been watching several videos about ethnic population studies and the Muslim religion is rising and persecuting and in some cases, keeping it silent, calling it "ethnic cleansing," according to this little article by Rob Miller dated April 4, 2012 -

Please read.

A few weeks ago I was having a discussion with my pastor about world events, we eventually reached the "Mark of the Beast - 666" topic, we spoke for a bit bouncing ideas of what it could be. I left eventually, thinking what could it be, for my Christian brethren out there and even my non-Christian friends, the time fast approacheth, we may not know when, but I can tell its close, you will have to choose between mortal life and eternal death.
Deuteronomy 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 
Not only is life and death before us, but God tells us to choose life. Christ says in,
John 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 
Choose Christ, and don't just believe in the mental sense of the word, but LIVE for and by Him! If we are going to serve Christ, it must be acceptable. ACCEPTABLE...

A problem we as humans have is procrastination and unbelief. When there was a worldwide prediction that the world would end on May 21, 2011, thousands of people lined up to be baptized at the last minute. My thoughts are, how many were genuine? How many are still there now?

We live our lives as though we have all the time in the world to enjoy the lusts and fornications, the riches, the sin.

And because we feel as though we'll live till old age, we simply wait until there is nothing left to give God, then we come to Him. That seems like disrespect to me... (Praise God for the ones who God calls even in old age that come genuinely!) But while we are young, why do we procrastinate? We could die tomorrow or even a few weeks down the line. I can speak like this because I was like that early. Thank the Lord God Almighty, for calling me out. You think God can't change you, think again!

Don't take salvation for granted, don't take Life, for granted.
Hebrew 2:3  How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; 

God makes salvation simple for us, and it was not cheap. NOT CHEAP AT ALL!

I want you to imagine this, a father in the convenience store of a gas station, leaves his son in the car while he make a purchase, suddenly the windows of the store shatter as the gas station erupts in flames, the father tries his hardest to run to the car which is a pillar of flames but the people in the store stop him (to save him), not without fighting him to the ground while he cries out for his son. This father never cared for his own safety, but for his son. Consider that amount of love between a father and son, and consider how much greater it is for God and His Son... Much greater...

Now consider this story. A single Christian father James, his Christian son Joshua and the Gregory a kid from juvenile detention who resentfully went along, who is unsaved go fishing on the sea, a storm comes out of nowhere, the boat capsizes and all things are lost, James is the only one who can swim, he can't carry both boys, Gregory is unconscious, he tearfully looks at both boys, he loves them both, Joshua whispers to his father, "Its okay." The father cries, he knows his son is saved, but it still hurts to know he'd die.

Hours later, Gregory gets up in a fright, screaming, "What happened? Where's Josh?" He looks at James, who is crying. "Where's Josh?" he asks again. James looks at him and shakes his head. "He said it was ok!"

Gregory, gives his life to the Lord, years later and serves Him whole heartedly, James treats Gregory as a son.

This isn't a true story.

Imagine now if Gregory later forgot and lived as a sinner all his days, imagine now how angry James would be for losing His son, reminiscing how horrible his death was, choking on water, torn apart by creatures of the sea and abandoned, imagine how resentful he would be to Gregory.

Although Christ was raised from the dead, and though He ascended to His Father and though He intercedes on our behalf. This doesn't change the fact that God did not have to do it, but He did. That is love. Remember that and know that God loved you enough to do that.

Don't take salvation for granted, don't take Life, for granted. 
Hebrew 2:3  How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; 

God makes salvation simple for us, and it was not cheap. NOT CHEAP AT ALL!

Back to the thoughts at hand. Look at this video:

I was looking also at what the significance of 666 means, I am well aware that many say it is a chip, I'm no way say I know what the answer is. So I was looking into what the significance of 666 is to the religion of Islam... many results say it is a holy number in the religion on Islam, I'm not sure this is true, but if it is. The mark in the right hand may be by force and the mark in the forehead may be a conversion to Islam.

Who knows. We will see eventually.

The most important thing right now, is your soul. Will you enter in the strait and narrow gate of life or will you be cast into the lake of fire?

I want you to enter. Live for Jesus. As the scripture says,
Revelations 14:12  Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. 

1 comment:

  1. Well that is somewhat of a shocker there. No time to mess around.
    You know, the fact that we keep seeing in the media that 1 or 2 children are a safe and economic number to have, maybe it's something we ought to be careful of.
    Maybe 10 years ago we could say that Christianity was the dominant religion... now it seems the tables a slowly flipping over.

    Time for us to wise up and draw closer to GOd with a true heart.

