Thursday 29 September 2011

Jesus loves the Patty Crumbs on Your Lip

We've all been that patty crumb left on the lip at one point. Just all alone.... everyone else got eaten but you were just left out and the eater doesn't even realise that they left you there. I guess you were just too small and insignificant to be noticed or considered. And if someone with discernment doesn't point that crumb out, then that's where you will stay... On the outskirts being ignored. I guess that's what it feels like not to be picked for the team or the one left sitting there when everyone else has gone to hang out.

Sometimes that's just the way it is... especially with Christians. Once you make a decision to follow Christ, then be prepared to be pushed aside and stepped on. Be prepared to be ignored and be considered insignificant. Be prepared not to be consumed like everyone else but just to be that one crumb standing alone on the outskirts. But that's the decision we made. To be that crumb. But one thing though... Don't desire to be consumed like everyone else. Don't want to be a part of the majority that got eaten up. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Be content with just having Jesus.
But sometimes it takes feeling lonely and abandoned to realise just how much of a friend we have in Jesus.

But if you find yourself being that patty crumb, consider this.

Sometimes it takes being left out to appreciate being accepted sometimes. And when nobody wants you, you can always rely on the fact that Jesus is always there ready to take care of any rejected and left out patty crumbs. He specializes in those that nobody else wants... Jesus loves the patty crumbs that are left on the lip.

As recorded in Matthew 22:1-12; Luke 14:16-24:

The Kingdom of God is like a rich man hat had a feast, but then when he invited everybody to that feast; all the upstanding people in society and all the “important” people... they were to occupied with their lives and agendas to come. Then the rich man said. “Ok. Well go into the streets and get those that the world calls nothing. Get those that don't have all that agenda and lifestyle. Get those that the important people have left out... the patty crumbs.. and invite them to the party.

The rich man in that story represents God. Sometimes when you're accepted too readily by the world, it makes you too busy for God. You're too busy enjoying the world to realise that when the money, fashion and friends are over, you will still be left empty and friendless.

It has been said, "One plus God is the majority..."

Don't strive to be accepted by this world. Strive to be accepted by God. That acceptance is eternal.

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